Recently I had this experience. I connected with another researcher, Mr. Cary Christopher, who has been so kind as to share his research on the McDonald line. I am so grateful that he was willing to share his findings. We all owe him a debt of gratitude.
The following sequence of photos were taken at the Golden Wedding anniversary of Michael McDonald and Anna Haggerty. Some family members traveled Vowinckel to attend the celebration. The photos are taken in front of Michael McDonald and Anna Haggerty's home in Vowinckel, Clarion County, Pennsylvania. One of the photos contains a caption which indicates Summer 1916.
Back row: Ambrose Aloysius McDonald, Robert Alphonsus McDonald (my
2nd great grandfather), Leo Benedict McDonald, Jerome McDonald, Patrick
J. McDonald
Middle: Clara Loretta McDonald, Sister Alfrida [Mary Elizabeth McDonald], Mary Rebecca McDonald, John McDonald, Michael Burke McDonald
Front: Michael McDonald and Anna Haggerty
Middle: Clara Loretta McDonald, Sister Alfrida [Mary Elizabeth McDonald], Mary Rebecca McDonald, John McDonald, Michael Burke McDonald
Front: Michael McDonald and Anna Haggerty

Using the known names from the photo above I have attempted to identify some of the individuals in the photo. Their first names are recorded above. More details are listed below.
John McDonald is to the far left (the tallest) with the bow tie below the window.
Michael McDonald is in the center of the photo with the hat, beard and cane
Anna Haggerty is to the right of Michael.
Jerome McDonald is standing to the lower left of Michael.
Robert A. McDonald is standing to the upper right of Michael looking down.
Winifred Agnes O'Neill, the wife of Robert A. McDonald may possible be standing to the back behind Anna.
Sr. Alfrieda [Mary Elizabeth McDonald] is to the right of Anna Haggerty.
Mary Rebecca appears to be standing in the back behind Sr. Alfrida.
Ambrose A. McDonald is holding a baby - his wife Gertrude O'Neill may be next to him. the baby is likely Helen McDonald, Ambrose's daughter.
Patrick J. McDonald is seated to the far left.
Michael Burke McDonald is seated at the front with the mustache just below the children.
Leo Benedict McDonald is seated to the right of Michael Burke.
Clara Loretta McDonald is seated to the right of Leo Benedict McDonald.
The final photo contains may people. Michael McDonald and Anna Haggerty are seated at the front of the photo. Michael McDonald can be identified with his beard and cane. Anna Haggerty is to his right.
Virginia McDonald believes she is the small girl wearing the headband at the front of the photo. John McDonald's daughter may be to the left of Anna Haggerty. Ambrose McDonald is barely visible behind baby Helen at the front of the photo.
Virginia recalled attending the party as a small child when her sister Helen McDonald was a baby. Sr. Alfrieda traveled to the party with a companion, Sr. Dorothy is included in the photo.