Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Military Collection

In Honor of Veteran's Day the Military Collection has been released at the family photo website. This digital gallery features 45 photographs of family members who served in the military. Many of the photographs are from the WWII era. The photographs range from portraits with family members to photos taken where the men were stationed and sent home to loved ones. Many of the photos are from the Helen Tillie Bukowski Collection.

“Honor to the soldier and sailor everywhere, who bravely bears his country's cause. Honor, also, to the citizen who cares for his brother in the field and serves, as he best can, the same cause.” 
– Abraham Lincoln

To learn more about family members who served in the Military please visit the page Military Veterans.
Michelle M. Murosky: The Military Collection &emdash; Wedding of Norbert Bukowski & Dorothy
Wedding of Norbert Bukowski & Dorothy
The collection includes several photographs from the Alaskan Highway. My grandfather's brother Edward. V. Murosky was stationed along the Alaskan Highway in 1944. He took many photographs which ended up in an album his mother maintained.

Michelle M. Murosky: The Military Collection &emdash; The Alaskan Highway 1944
Edward V. Murosky

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