This is a copy of an original postcard of the J.W. Selker Cigar Company. The J.W. Selker Cigar company was located in Clarion, Clarion County, Pennsylvania. The cigar factory is on the left side of the postcard and the large home J.W. Selker built is on the right side of the postcard.
The majority of individuals in the picture are unknown. J.W. Selker also known as Joseph William Selker is standing in the middle of the photograph and is wearing a top hat and jacket.
To view more recent photographs of the cigar factory and the J.W. Selker home visit the post
The Selker Family: Hermann George and his son Joseph William, cigarmaker.
The J.W. Selker Cigar Co., 242, 244 , 246 Main St., Clarion, PA |
A copy of the postcard is shared with permission. The original is in the care of Leopold George Selker my 2nd cousin 1x. Leopold is a descendant of Leopold George Selker, Sr. the oldest son of Joseph William Selker and Frances Philomena Guth. From the Leopold George Selker Collection. Photographer Unknown. Editing and digital restoration by Michelle M. Murosky.
Joseph William Selker and Frances Philomena Guth are my 2nd great grandparents. Leopold George Selker, Sr. is my 2nd great uncle. His sister Frances Philomena Selker is my great grandmother.
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