Sunday, November 25, 2018

Wedding Announcement: Leopold George Selker & Katherine Veronica Hartle

Leopold George Selker, the son of Joseph William Selker and Frances Philomena Guth, married Katherine Veronica Hartle on 30 October 1917 in Clarion, Clarion County, Pennsylvania at the Immaculate Conception Church.

The wedding announcement for the couple was published in The Clarion Democrat on Thursday, November 1, 1917- Page 1:

MB Boutiques: The Selker Collection &emdash; The_Clarion_Democrat_Thu__Nov_1__1917_Selker-Hartle Wedding
The Clarion Democrat
Thursday, November 1, 1917 - Page
Hartle - Selker

Last Tuesday morning, October 30, 1917. the wedding bells of the Church of the Immaculate Conception of Clarion rang merrily for the celebration of nuptials of Miss Catherine Veronica Hartle and Mr. Leopold George Selker, two of Clarion's most highly esteemed young people. Rev. Fr. George Wemkler was the officiating Priest and Herman's Orchestra, with Jos Augustine Guth presiding at the organ, furnished the music. 

 The wedding party entered the church to the strains of the beautiful wedding march. The bride wore a rich and beautiful gown of ivory duchess satin with silver lace trimmings and wore a veil with cap effect caught with pearls, and carried Sweetheart roses showered with lilies of the valley.  Miss Frances Selker, sister of the groom, attended the bride. She wore a pink silk net over pink taffeta, trimmed with silver, with large black velvet picture hat faced with pink satin and trimmed with silver, and carried Ophelia roses. The groom was attended by Mr. George B. Hartle, brother of the bride.

The wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride, the color scheme being pink and white, beautifully carried out in decoration and appointments. Following this Mr. and Mrs. Sleker left at 11:25 for Niagara Falls and a lake trip after which they will be at home to their friends at East Main Street.

The groom is a rising young business man of fine ability and splendid character, a son of Mrs. J.W. Selker, and is the head of the Selker Cigar Co. The bride is an accomplished and charming young lady and filled the important position of stenographer at the Berney-Bond glass plant for some time. 

Among the out of town guests were: Misses Emma and Lizzie Hartle, of Pittsburgh; Mrs. Ellen Ditz of DuBois.

A fine miscellaneous shower was given in honor of the bride by Mrs. Geo. A. Ditz on last Thursday evening. 

The cordial and hearty good wishes of all are given the bride and groom.

There are currently no photographs in the collection from the wedding of Leopold George Selker and Katherine Veronica Hartle.

Joseph William Selker and Frances Philomena Guth are my 2nd Great Grandparents. Leopold George Selker is my 2nd Great Uncle. Frances Philomena Selker, the daughter of  Joseph William Selker, is my great grandmother. Frances Philomena Selker is the mother of my paternal grandmother Mary Eugenia McDonald. 

  1. The Clarion Democrat (Clarion, Pennsylvania). Thu, Nov 1, 1917 · Page 1. Image: Downloaded on Sept 21, 2018.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Wedding Announcement: Ambrose John Selker & Mary Elizabeth Meisinger

Ambrose John Selker, the son of Joseph William Selker and Frances Philomena Guth, married Mary Elizabeth Meisinger on 20 August 1935 in Clarion, Clarion County, Pennsylvania at the Immaculate Conception Church.

The wedding announcement for the couple was published in The Clarion Democrat on Thursday, August 22, 1935 - Page 5:

MB Boutiques: The Selker Collection &emdash; The_Clarion_Democrat_Thu__Aug_22__1935_Selker-Meisinger Wedding
The Clarion Democrat
Thursday, August 22, 1935 - Page

Selker - Meisinger

A pretty wedding was solemnized Tuesday morning, August 20, 1935, at Immaculate Conception Church when Miss Mary Elizabeth Meisinger, daughter of Mrs. Paul E. Meisinger, became the bride of Ambrose John Selker, son of Mrs. J.W. Selker, the Reverend A. A. Fischer officiating. 

The bridal party entered the church to the strains of Lohengrin's Wedding March. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Agnes Meisinger. The groom has for his best man his brother, Vincent G. Selker. The ushers were Francis X. Zacherl and Paul E. Trunk.

The bride's gown was of white lace and her tulle veil was banded with orange blossoms. She carried white lillies. Her bridesmade wore a creation of blue chiffon with lace tunic and smart turban of same material. She carried pink gladioli, tailsman roses and blue delphinium. 

The wedding breakfast was served at the Hotel Anderson. 

Later in the day the couple left for a Canadian motor trip to spend their honeymoon. They will reside at 13 Third Avenue when they return.

The bride is one of Clarion's finest young ladies and has won the admiration of all by her kindly and courteous life. Mt. Selker is one of sturdiest and most successful young business men. Our people wish them all the blessing of a happy life. 

There are currently no photographs in the collection from the wedding of Ambrose John Selker and Mary Elizabeth Meisinger.

Joseph William Selker and Frances Philomena Guth are my 2nd Great Grandparents. Ambrose John Selker is my 2nd Great Uncle. Frances Philomena Selker, the daughter of  Joseph William Selker, is my great grandmother. Frances Philomena Selker is the mother of my paternal grandmother Mary Eugenia McDonald. 

  1. The Clarion Democrat (Clarion, Pennsylvania). Thu, Aug 22, 1935 · Page 5. Image: Downloaded on Sept 21, 2018.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Unknown Photo Gallery - Additional Photographs Added

Additional photographs were recently added to the Uknown Collection Photo Gallery. The Unknown Collection includes unlabeled photographs that were included in the various family photo collections. The gallery currently contains 125 old photographs.

Some of the photographs were included in the Helen Tillie Bukowski Collection, The Frances Philomena Selker Collection or the Mary Eugenia McDonald Collection. There were also images from several families mixed together.

Visit the Uknown Collection Photo Gallery to view the photographs.  Each image has a caption that can be viewed in the individual page view. The caption will include any known details about the image. There are navigation arrows to the far left and right in the individual page view. When viewed from a computer - each image has a unique website address. That website address can be used to share a direct link to the image.

A sampling of photographs from the Unknown Collection:

MB Boutiques: The Unknowns &emdash; Unknown Child
Unknown Child
Cabinet Card

MB Boutiques: The Unknowns &emdash; Unknown - Clarion, PA
Unknown Girls
Photo may have been taken in Clarion, Clarion County, Pennsylvania
MB Boutiques: The Unknowns &emdash; Unknown
Unknown Girls Formal Portrait 
Weber Studios - Erie, PA
MB Boutiques: The Unknowns &emdash; Back: This picture was taken in Meyersdale
Unknown Couple
Label on Back: "This picture was taken in Meyersdale"
MB Boutiques: The Unknowns &emdash; Unknown
Unknown Girl

Monday, November 12, 2018

Veterans Day - Honoring Those Who Served

Today we remember and honor our Military Veterans. Thank you to those who served.

To view photographs of of military veterans visit the The Military Collection  at the family photo website. This digital gallery features over 50 photographs of family members who served in the military. Many of the photographs are from the WWII era. The photographs range from portraits with family members to photos taken where the men were stationed and sent home to loved ones. Many of the photos are from the Helen Tillie Bukowski Collection.

The Military Service list is a work in progress that is updated as family history research progresses. If family members are missing please let me know and they will be incorporated. 

Unknown Military Service

Antoine Loll was born November 17, 1798 in Marcholsheim, Alsace, France. He is said to have served in the Served in the German calvary or the French Army for seven years. Antoine Loll is featured in the blog post Antonine Loll: German Cavalryman

Hermann Selker is said to have a soldier, serving under Napoleon Bonaparte in the Prussian Army during the retreat from MoscowRussia in 1812.

Andrew Haggerty was the son of Robert Haggerty and Rebecca Easly. He was born in 1839 and he may have served in the Civil War. Historical records show that an Andrew Haggerty died at Gettysburg on July 2, 1863. It is currently unknown if the Andrew Haggerty that died at Gettysburg is the son of Roberty Haggerty and Rebecca Easly.

John Lauer, the husband of Francisca Loll. Francisca was the sister of John Loll above and the daughter of Antoine Loll and Mary Ann Jehl, my 4th great grandparents. John was born 15 May 1841 in BaveriaGermany the son of George Lauer and Ursula Bendorfer. John is said to arrived with his parents to the United States in 1846. John would have been around 20 at the start of the war. A Proud People A Proud Heritage, compiled by the compiled by the History Committee of St. Joseph Parish, LucindaPa. indicates that John was taken as a prisoner of war on April 25, 1864. He later re-joined his regiment on December 16, 1864.

John Loll was born in MarcholsheimAlsaceFrance on 08 Oct 1843. He is the son of Antoine Loll and Mary Ann Jehl, my 4th great grandparents. He arrived in the United States on 07 Oct 1852 at the Port of New York when he was 9 years old with his family. At the age of 18 he would serve in the Union Army. In February of 1862 he would be wounded in battle and would die as a casualty of war on June 10, 1862 in a hospital in WashingtonD.C.

Joseph Loll served between 1861 and 1863 Company F, 63rd Regiment. 

James McDonald fought in the Civil War. In August 1,1861 he was enlisted in Company F, 63rd regiment at approximately age 33.  James was in a Confederate Prison camp from May 31 to September 13, 1862. He was promoted to corporal May, 1863; discharged August 28, 1863, for wounds received at Chancellorsville, Va., May 31, 1862. He was shot in the right arm. His grave marker at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Crown, Clarion CountyPennsylvania  indicates his rank of Corporal.  James would have been about 32 at the time of the civil war. James is estimated to be born around 1829 in Ireland, the son of David McDonald and Bridget, my 4th great grandparents.

John McDonald, brother of James McDonald, also served in the civil war. He enlisted as a private on February 25, 1864 at approximately age 28 with Company F, 63rd Regiment.  He was transferred to Company H, the 105th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers. He died October 16, 1864 in Beverly, New Jersey. He is buried in Beverly National Cemetery in Beverly, Burlington County, New Jersey. His grave marker references Company H, 105 PA. Inf. To view his grave marker visit this link.

Andrew McDonald, brother of James and John also served in the civil war. He enlisted as a private on March 14, 1862 at approximately age 22 for three years. Andrew was in a Confederate Prison camp from May 31 to September 13, 1862 with his brother James. He was then transferred to Company G., Second U.S. Calvary, on November 5, 1862 were he served as a sergeant.

To view the original post highlighting the service of Civil War veterans visit the Civil War Veterans

Spanish American War

Leopold M. Loll was born 18 Nov 1875. He was the son of Joseph Loll, my 3rd great grand uncle, and Helen Eisenman. According to William Loll, who wrote the Loll Family History books, Leopold served in the Spanish American War.  Leopold died in 1918 at the age of 42.

World War I

Gabriel Augustine Haggerty born 1891 and served in WWI.

Vincent Charles Lynam born July 6, 1888 in Fryburg, Clarion, Pennsylvania served in WWI.

Robert Edwin McDonald
 was born in Clarion Clarion County Pennsylvania Feb 1, 1899 the third child born to Robert Alphonsus McDonald Winifred Agnes O'Neill.

Joseph Murosky, Sr. was born July 4, 1900 in Forest City, Susquehanna, Pennsylvania. He was the son of Anthony Murosky, Sr. and Eva Zielinski.  He served in the United States Army as a Private First Class (PFC).  He enlisted on May 2, 1917 at age 16 and was discharged on October 2, 1919 at age 19.

To view the original post highlighting the service of  WWI veterans visit the post In Memory of WWI Veterans

There are numerous World War II veterans in the family.

Daniel L. Bukowski was born September 19, 1921. He served as a Sargent in the Army from October 24, 1942 through December 17, 1945. He was recognized in World War II Young American Patriots, 1941-1945 for his service. He was awarded the Army Good Conduct Medal, the European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal and the Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal.
Michelle M. Murosky: The Military Collection &emdash; Daniel L. Bukowski
Daniel L. Bukowski
Joseph R. Bukowski was born July 4, 1906 in Erie, Pennsylvania.  He served in the Army between June 15, 1943 and June 24, 1944 as a Private in the Army.

Norbert Bukowski was born July 13, 1920 in Erie, Erie County, Pennsylvania. He served in the United States Coast Guard from June 17, 1942 through November 7, 1945.
Michelle M. Murosky: The Military Collection &emdash; Norbert Bukowski & Judy Bukowski
Norbert Bukowski with his daughter Judy
Raymond H. Bukowski was born February 28, 1920 in Erie, Pennsylvania   He served in the US Navy.

Michelle M. Murosky: The Military Collection &emdash; Raymond H. Bukowski
Raymond H. Bukowski

John E. Chanis, Jr. was born February 12, 1916 in Forest City, Pennsylvania He served in WWII - PFC between July 27, 1944 and September 1945.

Anthony Aloysius Fromknecht was born January 23, 1925 in Erie, Erie County, Pennsylvania. He was the son of Joseph J. Fromknecht and Mary Loesch. Anthony enlisted in the United States Army on February 21, 1941 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. He served as a 1st Lieutenant. He was discharged from service on December 22, 1945.

MB Boutiques: The Military Collection &emdash; Anthony Aloysius Fromknecht
Anthony Aloysius Fromknecht
Raymond Loll was born in 1922 the son of Francis G. Loll, my 2nd cousin 3x removed, and Elizabeth Hartle. On February 20, 1943, at age 21, Raymond enlisted with the Air Corps in Miami Beach, Florida. Raymond was trained as a B-29 pilot and assigned to the 43rd Bomber Squadron and the 29th Bomber Group designated 'Very Heavy'. On April 14, 1945 Raymond's plane was lost and the crew perished on a Mission to Tokyo. Raymond was recorded as Missing in Action or Buried at Sea. Raymond was 23 years old at the time of his death. He was awarded a Purple Heart and an Air Medal for his service. He is also honored in the Tablets of the Missing at the Honolulu Memorial at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific.

Michelle M. Murosky: The Military Collection &emdash; Honolulu, Hawaii, National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Pun
Memorial Wall, Honolulu, HI 
Barbara Lynam was born June 24, 1912 in Oil City, Pennsylvania. She served in the PFC WAC WWII.
Michelle M. Murosky: The Military Collection &emdash; Barbara Lynam
Barbara Lynam
Robert Aloysius Haggerty was born July 24, 1927. He served as a SSGT in the US Marine Corps in WWII. 

Ambrose Aloysius McDonald, Jr. was born 02 Oct 1919 in PittsburghAllegheny CountyPennsylvania. He was the son of Ambrose Aloysius McDonald, my 2nd great grand uncle and Gertrude Anna O'Neill, my 2nd great grand aunt. Ambrose Aloysius was also the brother of Virginia McDonald Geary and is a double cousin to me as we are related by the McDonald and O'Neill lines. Ambrose volunteered for military service and joined the Marine Corps. He was killed by enemy fire in Tarawa in November of 1943, at age 24, upon landing on the beach. He earned a Purple Heart for his service. In addition to being remembered at the Tablets of the Missing at Honolulu Memorial in Honolulu, Hawaii he also has a memorial in Arlington National Cemetery. He now has a memorial in Arlington National Cemetery,  thanks to his sister Virginia McDonald Geary. Ambrose is featured in the blog post A Letter from Tarawa

Michelle M. Murosky: The McDonald Collection &emdash; Ambrose Aloysius McDonald Jr.
Ambrose Aloysius McDonald, Jr.
Michelle M. Murosky: The Military Collection &emdash; Ambrose Aloysius McDonald Jr.
The gravemarker for Ambrose in Arlington National Cemetery
James Aloysius McDonald was born 02 Jan 1912 in PittsburghAllegheny CountyPennsylvania. He was the son of Robert Alphonsus McDonald, my 2nd great grandfather and Winifred Agnes O'Neill, my 2nd great grandmother. James served in the US Army. He enlisted in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania on 17 July 1942. He was discharged from service 1 November 1945. James died 18 June 1982 at age 70.   

Michelle M. Murosky: The Military Collection &emdash; James Aloysius McDonald
James Aloysius McDonald

MB Boutiques: The McDonald Collection &emdash; 1945 - The McDonald Family
Back: Loraine Anthony McDonald, Frances Philomena Selker, Winifred Agnes O'Neill, James Aloysius McDonald. Front: Robert Alphonsus McDonald holding May Helen Murosky

Edward V. Murosky was born 03 Mar 1925 in ErieErie CountyPennsylvania. He was the son of Anthony Harry Murosky Jr., my great grandfather and Helen Tillie Bukowski, my great grand mother. Edward was stationed along the Alaskan Highway in WWII. Edward died on 11 Dec 1996, at age 71, in ErieErie CountyPennsylvania.

Michelle M. Murosky: The Military Collection &emdash; Edward V. Murosky
Edward V. Murosky
Harry A. Murosky was born 21 Mar 1921 in ErieErie CountyPennsylvania. He was the son of Anthony Harry Murosky Jr., my great grandfather and Helen Tillie Bukowski, my great grand mother. Harry died on 29 Mar 2002, in RaleighNorth Carolina.

Michelle M. Murosky: The Military Collection &emdash; Harry Anthony Murosky
Harry A. Murosky

William Murosky was born July 11, 1902 in Forest City, Pennsylvania. He served in the Army, WWII Air Corps from August 12, 1942 through January 1943. 

Michelle M. Murosky: The Murosky Collection &emdash; William Murosky
William Murosky

Benjamin Ragan Norris was born December 30, 1916. He served as a waist gunner on a B17. Four days after his wedding to Barbara Lynam he was shipped abroad. His plane the War Eagle crash landed on May 28, 1944 90 miles east of Treves, Germany after engine trouble. All of the crew were taken prisoners by the Germans. except for Benjamin and the other waist gunner Daniel Dunbar. They walked 300 miles to Allied France. They were picked up by the French Resistance and fought with them until the area was liberated by the US 4th armored division. At that point Benjamin was sent back to the United States were he served an instructor for future recruits.

Michelle M. Murosky: The Military Collection &emdash; Benjamin Ragan Norris
Benjamin Ragan Norris
Christopher D. O'Neill was born in Clarion, Clarion County, Pennsylvania in 1919. He was the son of Owen James O'Neill and Nellie Boyles. Christopher was was a member of the 579th Bomber Squadron, 392nd Bomber Group, Heavy. He served as s a Right Waist Gunner/Assistant Engineer on the B-24 aircraft. He died on November 6, 1943 in a German Hospital in Middelburg, the Netherland after suffering injuries from jumping out his aircraft the day before. He was buried in the Ardennes American War Cemetery in Belgium. He was awarded a Purple Heart and an Air Medal for his service. To view his  his grave marker visit this link.

Edward Charles Selker, Jr. was born 26 January 1926. He is the son of Edward C. Selker Sr. and Eva Theresa Margaret Zacherl. Edward enlisted with the United States Navy on 12 April 1944. He was discharged on 18 June 1946.

MB Boutiques: The Selker Collection &emdash; Edward Chalres Selker Jr.
Edward Charles Selker, Jr.
Leopold George Selker, Jr. was born 21 July 1918. He as the the son of Leopold George Selker, Sr. and Katherine V. Hartle. Leopold enlisted with the United States Army on 3 January 1944. He was discharged on 31 January 1945.
MB Boutiques: The Selker Collection &emdash; Leopold George Selker, Jr.
Leopold George Selker, Jr. 
Philip Franz Selker was born 25 Apr 1907 in Montabaur, Westerwald,  Germany. He was the son of Karl Friedrich Selker, my 2nd great grand uncle. His mother has been listed as Margarita Wolf, but on a personal visit to him in 2001 he indicated that Margarita Wolf was not his mother and that his father had re-married after her death. Philip arrived in the United States in 1929, he came to avoid the growing military establishment in Germany. During World War II, Philip served in the Infantry in the United States Army.  He landed at Omaha Beach on the second day of the invasion of Europe.  He saw Action in FranceBelgium, and Germany.  He was injured during the Bulge. He later participated in the war in the Pacific.

I had the opportunity to meet Philip in 2001 in Chicago to learn more about my German Heritage. When my husband and I got off the Metra train in Morton Grove, Philip said that he knew who we were because my face had the look of the German family. We had a wonderful visit with Philip, his wife and his daughter.  Philip was in his early 90's when we met him and he was full of life and energy. Philip died on 24 Sep 2006 at age 99 in GlenviewIllinoisPhilip is featured in the blog post Philip Selker - Battle of Normandy Veteran

Robert V. Pietrzak was born October 25, 1925 in Erie, Erie County, Pennsylvania. He served in the United States Navy.
Michelle M. Murosky: The Military Collection &emdash; Robert, Leona & Stanley Pietrzak
Robert V. Pietrzak, Leona Pietrzak and Stanley Pietrzak

Edward W. Zelazny was born September 11, 1915 in Erie, Pennsylvania. He was the son of Joseph Stanislaus Zelazny and Catherine M. Bukowski. He served as a Navy Corpsman from 1944 to 1945. He served as a medic in the Philippines.

Michelle M. Murosky: The Military Collection &emdash; Edward W. Zelazny
Edward W. Zelazny

Korean War 

John Bukowski, Jr. was born April 23, 1932 in Erie PA. He served in the Army as a Corporal from December 2, 1952 to November 6, 1954.

There are several Vietnam veterans in the family, some are still living and are not listed below to protect their privacy.

James Arthur Murosky was born 08 Oct 1942 in ErieErieCounty Pennsylvania, the son of Arthur Murosky, my grandfather, and Mary Eugenia McDonald, my grandmother. James served in Vietnam. He died 23 Nov 1993 at the age of 51, in ErieErie CountyPennsylvania.

Michelle M. Murosky: The Military Collection &emdash; James Anthony Murosky
James Arthur Murosky

Thomas S. Hazlett was born 02 Mar 1942 in BrookfieldNoble CountyOhio. He was the son of Leland M. Hazlett and Hazel Jones. Thomas served in the United States Navy during the Vietnam War.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Wedding Announcement: Frederick William Selker & Eleanor E. Herman

Frederick William Selker, the son of Joseph William Selker and Frances Philomena Guth, married Eleanor E. Herman on 19 June 1933 in Clarion, Clarion County, Pennsylvania at the Immaculate Conception Church.

The wedding announcement for the couple was published in The Clarion Democrat on Thursday, June 22, 1933 - Page 1:

MB Boutiques: The Selker Collection &emdash; The_Clarion_Democrat_Thu__Jun_22__1933_Selker-Herman Wedding
The Clarion Democrat
Thursday, June 22, 1933 - Page
Herman - Selker

One of the prettiest weddings held in Clarion this month was that solemnized at the Church of the Immaculate Conception on Monday morning, June 19, at 7 o'clock, when Miss Jeanne Eleanor Herman and  Mr. Frederic William Selker, both of Clarion, were joined in holy wedlock. Rev. Fr. A. A. Fisher performing the ceremony and reciting a Holy Nuptial Mass.

The attendants of the couple were Mr. Ambrose Selker, brother of the groom, and Miss Naomi Herman, sister of the bride.

The bride, who is a daughter of Mt. and Mrs. Paul Herman, of Eight Avenue Clarion, was attired in white satin gown with white net veil and carried a shower bouquet of white roses and lillies of the valley. Her bridesmaid, Miss Naomi Herman, wore a gown of pink net with white hat and accessories and carried a bouquet of pink roses and blue delphiniums. 

A very enjoyable wedding breakfast was served to 24 guests at the Greenawalt Inn, after which the bride and groom started on an eastern trip and will be home after July first at 620 Wood Street.

Their many friends and well-wishers in Clarion extend congratulations and best wishes for their future. 

A photograph of the wedding party was shared by a cousin. View the post Wedding Photos: Frederick William Selker & Eleanor E. Herman to learn more about the wedding and view other photographs taken that day.

MB Boutiques: The Selker Collection &emdash; 1933 - Wedding of Frederick William Selker & Eleanor E. Herman
Frederick William Selker & Eleanor E. Herman Wedding Party
Ambrose John Selker (Best Man, Brother of the Groom), Naomi Herman (Maid of Honor, Sister of the Bride), 
Frederick William Selker (Groom) and Eleanor E. Herman (Bride).
From the Frederick William Selker Collection

The photograph is from the Frederick William Selker Collection. Photographs in this collection were originally owned by the sisters Naomi Herman and Eleanor E. Herman. Today these photographs are in the care of a descendant of Frederick William Selker and Eleanor E. Herman. The photograph is shared with permission. Photographer Unknown. Editing and digital restoration by Michelle M. Murosky.

  Joseph William Selker and Frances Philomena Guth are my 2nd Great Grandparents. Frederick William Selker and Ambrose John Selker are my 2nd Great Uncles. Frederick and Ambrose are the brothersof Frances Philomena Selker my great grandmother. My paternal grandmother, Mary Eugenia McDonald, is the daughter of Frances Philomena Selker.

  1. The Clarion Democrat (Clarion, Pennsylvania). Thu, Nov 22, 1933 · Page 1. Image: Downloaded on Sept 21, 2018.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Wedding Photos: Mary Selker & Bernard Martin Browsky

Mary Selker, daughter of Joseph William Selker and Frances Philomena Guth, was born August 15, 1902 in Clarion, Clarion County, Pennsylvania. She married Bernard Martin Browsky on October 24, 1932. Bernard Martin Browsky was born February 23, 1897.  The wedding took place at the Immaculate Conception Church in Clarion, Clarion County, Pennsylvania at 6:30 am. The officiant for the wedding was Rev. A. A. Fisher.

Mary Selker was attended by two of her siblings. Her sister Anna Gertrude Selker was the Matron of Honor. Anna Gertrude, the youngest daughter, was born August 11, 1907 in Clarion, Clarion County, Pennsylvania. Anna married Francis Thomas Shannon on August 21, 1928.

Mary's brother Frederick William Selker served as best man. Frederick William Selker was born October 15, 1896 in Clarion, Clarion County, Pennsylvania. He married Eleanor E. Herman on June 19, 1933.

When photographed Mary Selker was 30 years old and Bernard Martin Browsky was 35 years old. Matron of Honor Anna Gertrude Selker was 25 years old and  Best Man Frederick William Selker was 36 years old.

To view the wedding announcement for the couple visit the post Wedding Announcement: Mary Selker & Bernard Martin Browsky.
Michelle M. Murosky: The Selker Collection &emdash; Unknown Wedding
Wedding of Mary Selker & Bernard Martin Browsky
Left to Right: Bernard Martin Browsky (Groom), Frederick William Selker (Best Man), 
Rev. A.A. Fisher, Anna Gertrude Selker (Matron of Honor). 
The Bride, Mary Selker, is seated.

Michelle M. Murosky: The Selker Collection &emdash; Unknown Wedding
Wedding Snapshot
Selker Siblings: Frederick William Selker and Anna Gertrude Selker
The back of the photograph is stamped "Carl and Don Clarion, PA"

These photographs were included in the Frances Philomena Selker Collection. Frances Philomena Guth appears to have passed the photographs down to her daughter Frances Philomena Selker. Frances' daughter Mary Eugenia McDonald ended up with her mother's photo collections which is time were handed down to me. Photographer Unknown. Editing and digital restoration by Michelle M. Murosky.

Frederick William Selker is my 2nd Great Uncle. Mary Selker and Anna Gertrude Selker are my 2nd Great Aunts. Frederick, Mary and Anna are the siblings of Frances Philomena Selker my great grandmother. My paternal grandmother, Mary Eugenia McDonald, is the daughter of Frances Philomena Selker.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Wedding Announcement: Mary Selker & Bernard Martin Browsky

Mary Selker, the daughter of Joseph William Selker and Frances Philomena Guth, married Bernard Martin Browsky on 24 October 1932 in Clarion, Clarion County, Pennsylvania at the Immaculate Conception Church.

The wedding announcement for the couple was published in The News-Harold (Franklin, Pennsylvania) on Monday, October 24, 1932- Page 9:

MB Boutiques: The Selker Collection &emdash; The_News_Herald_Mon__Oct_24__1932_Selker-Browsky Wedding
The News-Harold
Monday, October 24, 1932 - Page


A wedding of interest in Oil City took place at 6:30 o'clock this morning in the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Clarion, where Miss Mary Selker, daughter of Mrs. Frances Selker, became the bride of Bernard Browsky, of this city, son of Mrs. Eva Browsky, of 414 Bissell avenue. 

Rev. A.A. Fisher, pastor of the church, celebrated the nuptial mass. The bride was attended by her sister, Mrs. Ann Shannon of Brookville, and her brother, Frederick Selker, of Clarion, was Mr. Browsky's best man. 

The bride's gown was fashioned of white satin, and her veil of net was trimmed with lace and a cap of pearls. She carried a bridal bouquet of Calla lilies.

Her matron of honor wore satin in a pastel blue shade, with a short velvet jacket in a darker shade of blue. Her turban and slippers were in a corresponding shade. 

A wedding breakfast was served at the Anderson Hotel in Clarion after the ceremony, with covers laid for 24 at the bride's table. The table decorations for the breakfast were pink roses and ferns and placements of small blue and white baskets filled with nuts and mints. 

Mr. and Mrs. Browsky left later in the day for a motor trip to eastern cities, and on their return will reside at 230 Hoffman avenue. 

The bride is a graduate of the Immaculate Conception High School in Clarion, class of 1918. Mr. Browsky is employed by the National Pump and Machine Company in this city.

The guests from Oil City who attended the party were: Mrs. Eva Browsky, Mr. and Mrs. J.G. Nasky, Mr. and Mrs. C.P. Seimbida, Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Staab, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Browsky. Other out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lehman of Titusville, Mrs. Leonard Rabuse, of Brooklyn, N.Y., Mrs. Ann Shannon of Brookville; Mr. and Mrs. L.A. McDonald and family of Erie; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Selker of Arthursburg, N.Y.

The formal wedding portrait below was only partially identified. The Selker siblings Anna Gertrude Selker and Frederick William Selker were identified but the bride and groom remained unknown. The newspaper article for the wedding of Mary Selker & Bernard Martin Browsky mentioned the attendants by name. The description of the wedding dress and flowers from the article also aligns with the formal portrait.
MB Boutiques: The Selker Collection &emdash; Unknown Wedding
Wedding of Mary Selker & Bernard Martin Browsky
Left to Right: Bernard Martin Browsky (Groom), Frederick William Selker (Best Man), 
Rev. A.A. Fisher, Anna Gertrude Selker (Matron of Honor). 
The Bride, Mary Selker, is seated.

Joseph William Selker and Frances Philomena Guth are my 2nd Great Grandparents. Their daughter Frances Philomena Selker is my great grandmother. Frances Philomena Selker is the mother of my paternal grandmother Mary Eugenia McDonald. Frederick William Selker is my 2nd Great Uncle. Mary Selker and Anna Gertrude Selker are my 2nd Great Aunts. 

  1. The News-Herald (Franklin, Pennsylvania). Mon, Oct 24, 1932 · Page 9. Image:  Downloaded on Sept 21, 2018.. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

1920's Snapshot - Frances Winifred McDonald

Frances Winifred McDonald, the daughter of Loraine Anthony McDonald and Frances Philomena Selker, was born 18 March 1920 in Clarion, Clarion County, Pennsylvania.

This snapshot of Frances Winifred McDonald was taken on the 1920's. The location of the photograph is unknown. The family was living in Strattanville, Clarion County, Pennsylvania on 20 October 1927. The family relocated to Erie, Erie County, Pennsylvania sometime between late October 1927 and November 1928.

MB Boutiques: The McDonald Collection &emdash; 1920's - Frances Winifred McDonald
Frances Winifred McDonald    
The original copy of the wedding portrait is in the care of Janet Fromknecht the daughter of Frances W. McDonald and Anthony A. Fromknecht. From the Frances Winifred McDonald Collection. The photograph is shared with permission.  Photographer Unknown. Editing and digital restoration by Michelle M. Murosky.

Loraine Anthony McDonald and Frances Philomena Selker are my great Grandparents.  Frances Winifred McDonald is my great aunt. Mary Eugenia McDonald, the sister of Frances, is my paternal grandmother.

  1. Pennsylvania, Death Certificates, 1906-1964 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014. Record for Robert Anthony McDonald, Certificate Number 94175,