Six years ago today Our Ancestors - The Murosky & McDonald Ancestral Lines was launched. Working on the family tree research site has been an incredible adventure. What initially started as a family research site has grown to have a companion
Facebook page and the
Old Family Photographs site.
Content & Reach
In the last six years 235 articles have been posted. The content ranges from family photographs to historical documents. The site has had over 70,000 page views. Although the majority of the readers have been from the United States the site also receives regular international traffic. There are visitors from Russia, Germany, France, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, Poland, Canada, Turkey and Ireland.
Some of the most popular articles at the site include:
The most popular page at the site is the
Military Veterans followed by
Published Family History.
Connecting with Cousins
The most incredible part of the journey has been connecting with cousins. These connections most likely would not have happened without this site. Each of these connections has contributed to my ongoing family research.
The research site has linked me to my ancestral families in Germany and France. The site also allowed the opportunity to get to know some of my American cousins. In 2013 my father and I traveled to Crown, Clarion County, Pennsylvania to meet our cousin Benjamin Patrick Norris.
2013 Trip to Crown, Clarion County, Pennsylvania Standing with my cousin 3rd Cousin 2x Benjamin Patrick Norris |
2013 Trip to Crown, Clarion County, Pennsylvania St. Mary's Church Dave Murosky with his 3rd Cousin 1x Benjamin Patrick Norris and Benjamin's wife
We had a lovely visit and got to learn so much from Benjamin about our shared ancestors and about the Farmington, Township.
Looking Forward:
I look forward to sharing new content to the site. As more and more records become available there is no shortage of available content! One of the other items on my list is to continue to work on the Portraits of a Life project. I look forward to what the future will bring.
Thank you kindly for reading,