After posting the first set of photographs from the
1940's Murosky Family Gathering I realized there were more photographs from the same event. The other photographs included a date - July 1945. It appears that everyone gathered together for a garden party. There are several photographs of the group playing cards. Note the men are wearing long shirts and ties - the ladies wearing tight fitting dresses.
A few of the photographs also included some names. The additional photographs also show addition party guests. Some of the individuals are currently unknown. This gathering may have been a mix of family and close friends. This series of photographs was likely taken in Erie, Erie County, Pennsylvania. The Murosky siblings are the children of Anthony Murosky Sr. and Eva Zielinski.
Cousin Jay - July 1945.
Last name is currently unknown. |
Uncle Frank and Lillian - July 1945.
Both are currently unknown. |
The group was playing cards around a table in the garden.
(L-R) Unknown man with shirt sleeves rolled up, Ester Murosky, Anthony Harry Murosky Jr. wearing a tie, unknown man, unknown woman, unknown woman wearing apron, man labeled as Uncle Frank in above photograph. |
The group was playing cards around a table in the garden.
(L-R) Unknown woman, Anthony Harry Murosky Jr. wearing a tie, unknown man, unknown woman, unknown woman wearing apron, man labeled as Uncle Frank in above photograph. |
"Lillian" per above photograph. |
The group was playing cards around a table in the garden.
(L-R) Anthony Harry Murosky Jr. wearing a tie and unknown man. |
The group was playing cards around a table in the garden.
(L-R) Anthony Harry Murosky Jr. wearing a tie, unknown man, unknown woman, unknown woman wearing apron, Margaret Murosky wearing floral pattered dress,
man labeled as Uncle Frank in above photograph, and unknown man with short sleeves drinking from a glass. |
The group was playing cards around a table in the garden.
(L-R) Unknown woman wearing apron, Anthony Harry Murosky Jr. on the left horsing around with unknown men. Man labeled as Uncle Frank in above photograph standing behind Esther Murosky.
Murosky Siblings
Margaret Murosky, Anthony Harry Murosky Jr. and Esther Murosky |
Murosky Siblings with their spouses
Back: Anthony Harry Murosky Jr., Margaret Murosky, possibly Valentine Bartoszek (Margaret's second husband), possibly Harry E. Sell (Esther's husband) man labeled as "Frank" in above photograph
Front: Possibly Charles Murosky, Esther Murosky
Husbands and Brothers
Left to Right: possibly Charles Murosky, possibly Valentine Bartoszek (Margaret's second husband), possibly Harry E. Sell (Esther's husband) man labeled as "Frank" in above photograph, Anthony Harry Murosky Jr.
Margaret Murosky |
From the Helen Tillie Bukowski Collection. Photographer Unknown. Editing and digital restoration by Michelle M. Murosky.
Anthony Harry Murosky, Jr. is my great grandfather. He is the father of Arthur Murosky my paternal grandfather. Anthony Harry Murosky, Jr.'s siblings would be my 2nd great aunts and 2nd great uncles.
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